Direct payments

Direct payments is one of the ways you can choose the care company you want. Many of our client’s at Farrell Healthcare choose Direct Payments so they can choose us as their preferred provider. You receive your own personal social care budget and can use it in a way that best meets your care needs. If you choose to receive direct payments, Lancashire County Council will give you the money so that you can buy the care/support you need.

Farrell Healthcare provides care in the Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde areas that are all covered by the local council’s Direct Payments agreements.

Direct payments can help you to arrange your care/support around how you live your life, in a way that will meet your needs. If you think that you would like to use a direct payment to meet your care needs, contact our customer care team on 0300 123 6720.

For more information, please follow the link via Lancashire County Council website: